Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

1.Tutorial Completed!

   Complete the Tutorial




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Use an explosive




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

3.Drill go brrrrrrrr!

   Use a booster

   鑽吧 brrrrrrrrr!



Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Use a teleporter




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

5.Party time!

   Use confetti




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

6.Level 3

   Reach mech level 3


   達到機甲等級 3


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

7.Maxed out!

   Get a mech to max level




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Sell $10k worth of ore at once


   一次性出售價值 1 萬美元的礦石


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Have $100k cash


   擁有 10 萬美元現金


   Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Have $1.000.000


   有 1,000,000 美元


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

11.Passive income

   Connect your first mine




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

12.Mine mogul

   Reach a passive income of $100


   被動收入達 100 美元


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

13.L33t master

   Sell for a total value of $1337


   售價總價值 1337 美元

Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

(3銅+5銀+7垃圾=1337元 )


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

14.Dirty Dirt Ditcher

   Deliver 1000 dirt


   輸送 1000 個污垢


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

15.Look mommy, I can fly!

   Find out how high you can fly





Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

16.Is that... cheese..?

   Find cheese




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

17.Digging Professional

   Dig 1000 blocks




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

18.Digging Expert

   Dig 2.000 blocks


   挖掘 2.000 塊


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

19.Digging Legend

   Dig 5.000 blocks


   挖掘 5,000 塊


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

20.Bouncy Castle

   Bounce barefoot on top of the airship



Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

21.It's basically black gold, right?

   Collect tin ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

22.Copper collector

   Collect copper ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

23.Silver seeker

   Collect silver ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

24.Cobalt miner

   Collect cobalt ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

25.Keeping it real

   Collect realgar ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

26.Azurite accumulator

   Collect azurite ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Collect gold ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

28.Amethyst amasser

   Collect amethyst ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

29.Uranium? More like uramizing amirite?

   Collect uranium ore

   鈾? 更像是 uramizing amirite?



Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

30.Diamond digger

   Collect diamond ore




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

31.Sapphire specialist

   Collect a sapphire gem




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

32.Emeral expert

   Collect an emerald gem




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

33.Ruby royalty

   Collect a ruby gem




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

34.Environmentally concious

   Collect trash




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

35.My precious!

   Collect jewelry




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

36.Hit the motherload!

   Find a treasure chest




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

37.Professional tin collector

   Collect 100 tin


   收集 100 罐


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

38.Professional copper collector

   Collect 100 copper


   收集 100 銅


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

39.Professional silver collector

   Collect 100 silver


   收集 100 銀子


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

40.Professional cobalt collector

   Collect 100 cobalt


   收集 100 鈷


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

41.Professional realgar collector

   Collect 100 realgar


   收集 100 雄黃


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

42.Professional azurite collector

   Collect 100 azurite


   收集 100 個藍銅礦


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

43.Professional gold collector

   Collect 100 gold


   收集 100 金幣


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

44.Professional amethyst collector

   Collect 100 amethyst


   收集 100 顆紫水晶


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

45.Professional uranium collector

   Collect 100 uranium


   收集 100 鈾


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

46.Professional diamond collector

   Collect 100 diamond


   收集 100 顆鑽石


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

47.Professional sapphire collector

   Collect 30 sapphire


   收集 30 顆藍寶石


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

48.Professional emerald collector

   Collect 20 emerald


   收集 20 顆祖母綠


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

49.Professional ruby collector

   Collect 10 ruby


   收集 10 顆紅寶石


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

50.Professional trash collector

   Collect 100 trash


   收集 100 個垃圾


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

51.Professional jewelry collector

   Collect 100 jewelry


   收集 100 件珠寶


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

52.Professional treasure collector

   Collect 10 treasures


   收集 10 件寶藏


Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

53.Explorer I

   Reach a depth of 100m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

54.Explorer II

   Reach a depth of 200m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

55.Explorer III

   Reach a depth of 300m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

56.Explorer IV

   Reach a depth of 400m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

57.Explorer V

   Reach a depth of 500m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

58.Explorer VI

   Reach a depth of 600m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

59.Explorer VII

   Reach a depth of 700m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

60.Explorer VIII

   Reach a depth of 800m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

61.Explorer IX

   Reach a depth of 900m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

62.Explorer X

   Reach a depth of 1000m




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Find a Hellstone





Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

64.Devils Fate: Taxes

   Make a deal with the devil





Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

65.Devils Fate: Shopkeeper

   Make a deal with the devil





Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

66.Outpost Operator

   Pass the outpost gate





Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

67.Barrier Breaker

   Pass the plated stone barrier





Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)

68.Airlock Assembler

   Pass the airlock





Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the worm mech




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the snake mech




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the beetle mech




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the scorpion mech




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the turtle mech




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the kangaroo mech




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the rhino mech




Mining Mechs 攻略-steam成就(共76個)


   Unlock the crane mech








喜歡我們的話,歡迎到我們的YouTube頻道:熱愛手作Love handmade





Mining Mechs YouTube:

Mining Mechs 攻略-挖礦升級合作探索地下之謎 全攻略大結局

Mining Mechs 延伸閱讀:

Mining Mechs 攻略-簡單介紹

Mining Mechs 攻略-所有任務解法(主+附近任務)



Cuisineer 貓娘小廚 YouTube:

Cuisineer 貓娘小廚 攻略-遊戲操作簡單介紹 小波的振興餐館大作戰!

Cuisineer 貓娘小廚 延伸閱讀:

Cuisineer 貓娘小廚 攻略-遊戲操作介紹

Cuisineer 貓娘小廚 攻略-遊戲介面操作

Cuisineer 貓娘小廚 攻略-商店(共10種)

Cuisineer 貓娘小廚 攻略-信箱與日歷位置



Ratopia 鼠托邦 YouTube:

Ratopia 鼠托邦 攻略-遊戲操作簡單介紹

Ratopia 鼠托邦 攻略-如何活過第一個冬天簡單介紹

Ratopia 鼠托邦 攻略-如何打廢礦入口的胖鼠BOSS 全攻略

Ratopia 鼠托邦 延伸閱讀:

Ratopia 鼠托邦 攻略-遊戲開始設置與設定選單介紹

Ratopia 鼠托邦 攻略-遊戲操作+介面操作介紹

Ratopia 鼠托邦 YouTube-Shorts:

像極了作惡夢的你 (中上方) 療癒系列8

Ratopia 鼠托邦 水晶樹 療癒系列7

Ratopia 鼠托邦 可愛老鼠上廁所 療癒系列6

Ratopia 鼠托邦 沒水怎麼辦有露水收集器 高級版 療癒系列5

Ratopia 鼠托邦 沒水怎麼辦有露水收集器 普通版 療癒系列4

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Ratopia 鼠托邦 可愛老鼠睡覺囉! 療癒系列2

Ratopia 鼠托邦 移民來了 療癒系列1



Core Keeper 核心守護者 YouTube 紙玩具DIY:

Core Keeper 攻略-紙玩具DIY 我把Core Keeper裡的泰坦實體化了

Core Keeper 核心守護者 YouTube:

Core Keeper 攻略-如何獲得新裝飾品路標和掘土蟲雕像

Core Keeper 攻略-如何獲得萬聖節活動的裝飾品和裝備

Core Keeper 攻略-如何快速獲得動物的食物

Core Keeper 攻略-如何獲得升級台需要的寶石

Core Keeper 攻略-如何獲得瑩光邊境 2種新裝飾盆栽植物

Core Keeper 攻略-如何獲得新寵物 史萊姆王子

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Core Keeper 攻略-如何獲得新商人 勇敢的商人























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